Well if we thought the weather was as good as it gets yesterday, we were wrong! Sunshine and shirt sleeve order today! We’ve been blessed with some really decent conditions to continue our molehill survey of the fort and its environs.
Here’s Jan explaining what we’ve been doing today and offering us his ‘find of the day.’
We also thought it may be useful to give a little more detail on how a molehill survey is carried out, check out the short video below.
And for those who are wondering what that yellow box is that’s perched on top of a tripod? Here’s Richard to explain.
So that’s the first three days now complete, we have two further days to investigate other areas which are currently scheduled for next week.
We must of course thank all the wonderful volunteers who have worked so hard over the last three days, without you, we would never have been able to commit to this project!
Check back for more updates next week!